Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

life is like a fairy tale...


minggu yg busy da smpai penghujung..xsbr tggu si bushuk masham sy tu abes exam (awk mmg bushuk masham k =p) is like a fairy tale..tol ke?..depend pd seseorg kn

for me..yup life is like a fairy tale terutame klu kite dlm alam percintaan ni hikhik~

rase sumenye indah, mn la xindah kn..ade org yg take care, ade org yg syg, ade org yg rindu..

I would like to dedicate this enty to the one that has succeeded in opening up my heart (i know that u read this)


always be by my side

always patient with my childish behavior

buying chocolates for me (pls buy more after this huu <3)


It's not about how much money u have or what u buy for me,

I only want u to care & accept me for who i am.

It's not about how much u spent on me or where we went,

I only want to spend time with u and it's worth more than anything.

I don't care if u are penniless or even homeless,

Because u are worth more than anything and ur heart is my home.

I don't care if u never brought me to a fancy restaurant or bought me anything,

Because i'd rather spent time with u by urside~forever..insya'allah.

Love doesn't make world go round~

Love is what makes the ride worthwhile~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

hari2 ku bersamanya

Assalamualaikum, haha ni kali 1 wat blog post...hihi taktau sgt nk tulis pe tapi nk kongsi cite yg terbuku dihati ni...nk cite di FB takleh...cume ni la diari yg leh jadi tatapan utk masa akan datang...hihi..insyaAllah pasni akan bergiat2 dalam post blog lagi...hihi